Time to buy a domain name?

No, this is not my attempt to billboard my face across my blog. But this article from PBS’ Mediashift by Alfred Hermida got me thinking. “Journalism Students Need to Develop Their Personal Brand” Do I really have to become a “product,” as the article suggests, to become a good journalist? I beg to differ. I think this shift towards all journalists owning a domain name … Continue reading Time to buy a domain name?

Worried about finding a job??

Never fear! JobNob’s here. So I profiled a start-up company, JobNob, which was co-founded by a Stanford Business School grad, Julie Greenberg, and Alan Shusterman. It was printed in The Daily, where I hope the company will get the publicity it deserves. Their whole concept is incredible. They post very specific salaries from very specific companies. The greatest weapon we have in this day and … Continue reading Worried about finding a job??

A CNN Hero…

Too often admirable success stories involve multi-billionaires like Bill Gates or Warren Buffet who have earned their dough, and then subsequently began donating millions to various charities. While these efforts are extremely commendable, this particular woman’s story demonstrates true generosity. Through her non-profit organization Rising Tide Capital, which is based in New Jersey, Alfa Demmellash helps small businesses prosper by tackling their simple management problems. … Continue reading A CNN Hero…

Simply magical…

After watching the Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince trailer (and still getting goosebumps every time), I still can’t fathom that ONE WOMAN was the genius, the imagination, the sole creator of this incredible series. I tried explaining the basic plotline of the series to a co-worker today at NBC in L.A. and I could scarcely contain my giddy excitement. Throwing out terms like “muggle” … Continue reading Simply magical…

Kjerstin Erickson and FORGE

The wonderfully brilliant, passionate, and driven people at Stanford still cease to amaze me. And this is just at Stanford. What they go on to do after The Farm is incredible. The first person I’m profiling was actually an alumnus I profiled for The Stanford Daily, but her dedication to a cause she believes in was genuinely awe-inspiring. To physically build, from the ground up, … Continue reading Kjerstin Erickson and FORGE

… see you later?

We’re always told “it’s never goodbye, it’s see you later.” But as the Stanford Class of 2009 is about to graduate on Sunday, I can’t help but think it really is goodbye. And there isn’t one single good thing about goodbyes. They’re painful, sad, and usually, final. We all hail from cities all over the country, even the world, and that horrible evil monster (distance) … Continue reading … see you later?

With great friendship…

comes the capacity for great forgiveness. (Yes I know this isn’t falling into the category I originally proposed, but I’m a college student studying for finals. I’d much prefer to blab right now than actually articulate my thoughts about awesome individuals–which I love doing, but later..) Perhaps I’m over romanticizing this, but for the past couple of weeks I’ve been in some sort of strange … Continue reading With great friendship…